Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Balanced Life Weekly #37

Hey folks and welcome to another edition of Balanced Life Weekly. It has been another interesting week so let me tell you what is going on in my life this week.

Health and Wisdom

Well, another week is in the books and I am now down 9.4 pounds in 3 weeks. I am very happy about my weight loss, but more importantly, I am satisfied with my lifestyle change which is what weight loss is all about. I have been really smart about reading the nutritional facts on food and drink items as well as checking the information on fast food places.

I will give you an example, I have had to eat on the go a few times, but by taking the time to research the nutritional information, I have opted to say get apple slices at Subway with my sandwich instead of chips or a baked potato at Wendy’s instead of fries with my chicken sandwich.

Granted no one should live on fast food day after day no matter how much healthier it is compared to say a Baconator at Wendy’s, but you can be smart about those choices. Plus if you do read the information at fast food places it will either amuse you or scare the heck out of you, for example Taco Bell is advertising a new Quad Steak Burrito. I looked it up on their own site and well see below.

Yep, that is 2200 mg on the sodium! By contrast a triple size Baconator at Wendy’s is just shy of that although it does have more calories than the Quad Steak. I can’t even pull into a Taco Bell now without feeling sick to my stomach mostly because I used to eat there all the time!

Another benefit of eating healthier and working out is I have noticed my energy level has gotten a lot better! On my days off from the gym where I am up at 5am, I am not sleeping in like I used to which once I get a job will be an easy transition.

On another front, my dad is doing much better! He is home and his breathing is much improved. So we are very thankful to the doctors and nursing staff that took care of him while there and the continued improvement he is having at home.

Now for the one bit of bad news, I got into an auto accident on Sunday night, no one was hurt thankfully, but my truck has some pretty serious damage to the driver side front wheel and the driver side door is jammed. That being said, it is not knocking me off my fitness and health game.


I am loving being an RCIA sponsor at church this year! It is great to see the class we have and the questions they ask but also how ahead of the game they seem to be. What a great group! Looking forward to the Easter Vigil!

Well, that is going to do it for this edition of Balanced Life Weekly. Look forward to seeing you all here next week! God Bless!

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