Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Balanced Life Weekly #35

Hello everybody and welcome to another edition of Balanced Life Weekly. I have quite a few things I want to share with you this week so I’m just going to get right into things.


I will start on the health front. Since starting up at the gym last week and watching my calorie count thanks to Lose It!, I have lost 3 pounds in one week. I will check my weight on Friday for this week’s total. I had my first test on my calorie watching this week as my dad was admitted to the hospital on Monday morning but I am happy to say he is doing better than before. Needless to say this puts a lot of stress on family members and I could have easily gave up on my gym routine and consumed mass calories, but I didn’t. I did have one day where I went over my daily calorie count but by only 57 calories and I should still finish the week under my cap.


I’ve also done a better job and reading books on my iPad and watching less TV. The flip-side is my DVR is filling up fast with shows but that is Ok. I am looking at a Kindle down the road once I have a job so if any of you out there have one, leave a comment on how you like it. Love to get people’s insights on products and not really the manufacturers take on it.


I decided to setup a separate blog for my faith writings. I notice I can get very deep with my Catholic beliefs and read a lot of Catholic authors, I am currently reading “I’m Not Being Fed” by Jeff Cavins which is a book not only about him and how his hunger for a closer relationship with Christ brought him from his Catholic upbringing to an Evangelical Protestant and back to the Catholic Church, but for those that are searching for the same thing. For me personally, I am very much being filled with my Catholic faith, I have never had a closer relationship to Christ than I do since I converted in 2001 and to have the Eucharist at Mass, it is even more of a personal relationship with Jesus.


Finally I wanted to share with you a post from my good friend Jeremy who is both on a goal to lose weight and training for his first 5K. He has a post this week called Five Frogs which I found very inspiring and I think you will love reading it as much as I did. So until next week, God Bless!

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